Ceragem 3 Monate Testen!

The Ceragem couch cannot be compared to an ordinary massage couch, it is a therapy couch and the body needs time to get used to!
Some health problems are years old and the body takes time to respond to therapy!
Increase of symptoms! when your body begins to respond to the therapy, this is a very frequently results in so-called „healing reactions“! If this happens, they will disappear in a short time! The emergence of „healing reactions“ is a positive sign!
You fell asleep during your massage / therapy and we need to wake you up because you are snoring!
Ceragem Testcenter in Ludwigshafen

Adresse: Ludwigstraße 54b,
67059 Ludwigshafen - Tel.:+49 (0)621 9635 64 24
- Mob.: +49 (0)163 741 285 8
- Fax: +49 (0)621-963564-34
- E-Mail: info@ceragem-ludwigshafen.de
- Straßenbahn: Linien 7 oder 6
- Station “Ludwig-straße”
or “Rathauscenter”
(near to Rhein-Galerie)
opening hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 6:20 pm
Sat: 9:00 am - 01:00 pm

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Mehr erfahren

- +49 (0)621 9635 64 24
- +49 (0)163 741 285 8
- info@ceragem-ludwigshafen.de
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